Censorship in Schools

TAKE ACTIONCensorship in Schools


Limiting a school’s ability to reference gender identity or sexual orientation violates a basic trust that all students, including LGBTQ+ students, can learn and thrive in a safe environment. It controls what students can and cannot read, what they can and cannot learn, and — most troublingly — who they can and cannot be.

About the Bills

HB 1312 attempts to silence discussions of gender and sexuality in the classroom by implementing a two-week advance notice of any curriculum including those topics. When LGBTQ+ youth feel support, acceptance, and open representation within their homes, schools and communities, they have much better mental health, educational and social outcomes. 

SB 341 would require teachers to "out" students to their parents when requested. If teachers are required to share sensitive information with parents before the student is ready, the student misses out on the opportunity to feel supported by a trusted adult. 

Young people who feel supported in their communities have better mental health outcomes. As an example, when transgender students socially transition and live their lives as their preferred gender, their mental health outcomes are on par with their peers who identify as cisgender. Bills with mandatory disclosure, like SB 341, discourage young people from finding support that is so critical to their well-being. 

Take Action

Email the Governor to Veto Discriminatory Bills

Bill Status

HB 1312: The House passed HB 1312 by a vote of 186-185 in March. The Senate also passed the bill by a vote of 13-10. Next, the bill will advance to the Governor's desk. Email Governor Sununu to urge him to VETO anti-LGBTQ+ bills and keep New Hampshire inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

SB 341: On May 2nd, the House of Representatives defeated SB 341 by a vote of 185-172. This harmful bill will NOT advance this session! 

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