Creating Age-Friendly Communities

Healthy AgingCreating Age-Friendly Communities


All Granite Staters should have access to the services they need and the ability to choose where and how they age in New Hampshire. Home and community-based services offer care where you choose to live. Investing now is a cost-effective way to provide those choices to older adults.

Why It Matters

Thanks to dramatic advances in medicine, public health, and lifestyle choices, nearly half of children born today can expect to live to 100. As more of the population lives longer, healthier lives, New Hampshire faces a powerful opportunity to rethink the future of our communities. Improving access to public transportation and age-friendly communities and supporting family caregivers and the health care workforce will all improve Granite Staters’ ability to age where and how they choose.

Our Impact

The New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging (NHAHA) has been working since 2014 to prepare communities to create an even better, even older New Hampshire. In 2023, NHAHA advocated for the creation of a System of Care for Healthy Aging and received historic investment in the program in the New Hampshire state budget.

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