Defeat Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

TAKE ACTIONDefeat Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation


While we know not everyone understands what it means to identify as a member of the queer community as a young person, New Futures works to protect the mental health of all Granite State youth.

Unfortunately, there is a mental health crisis amoung young people here in New Hampshire. According to the most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey results, more than one in five Granite State high school students reported that they had seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year1.

Like all young people, when LGBTQ+ youth feel support from their family and community, they have much better mental health outcomes. In fact, LGBTQ+ young people who had access to affirming homes, schools, community events, and online spaces reported lower rates of attempting suicide compared to those who did not2.

In a recent survey, nine out of ten LGBTQ+ young people said their well-being was negatively impacted due to recent politics3Despite this, several 2025 bills in New Hampshire threaten the mental wellbeing of the Granite State's young people by specifically targeting LGBTQ+ youth and families. Learn more and take action below.

About the Bills

Expand each section below to learn more about each bill.


Senate Bill 38 & House Bill 148: Removing Anti-Discrimination Protections

It's important for all Granite Staters to feel safe and have privacy in the places we visit every day.

Unfortunately, Senate Bill 38 and House Bill 148 would make life harder and less safe for transgender Granite Staters in our communities. It would roll back bipartisan discrimination protections based on sex assigned at birth in restrooms and locker rooms at places we all need access to, like hospitals, workplaces, libraries, restaurants, stores, and more. While claiming to protect safety, the bill ignores that there are already laws in place making it illegal to harm or harass anyone in these spaces.

Particularly concerning, the bill would allow youth residential mental health facilities to enforce rigid new segregation policies, causing additional stress and making it harder for our kids to get the care they need.


House Bill 377: Ban on Medically Necessary Care

Transgender teens, like all teens, have the best chance to thrive when they are supported and can get the doctor-prescribed medical care they need. Medical decisions should rest solely with doctors and families — not politicians.

House Bill 377 would prevent Granite State youth from receiving evidence-based, medically necessary care that research shows can benefit the mental health and well-being of transgender youth. Gender-affirming care has been endorsed by leading U.S. medical authorities like the American Academy of Pediatrics1 and American Medical Association2.

The bill would represent a significant change to existing healthcare practices in New Hampshire and make it a felony for health care providers to prescribe or administer puberty-blocking medication or hormone therapy to New Hampshire youth under age 18.

a group of people walking in a hallway

House Bill 10: Hostile School Climate

House Bill 10 is similar to concerning bills introduced and defeated at the State House in 2023 and 2024. New Futures recognizes that parents play a crucial role in contributing to the growth and education of Granite State children.

However, parental authority must be balanced with the safety and well-being of young people. All students should be able to access the support they need and feel safe being themselves in school, including members of the LGBTQ community.

Some young members of the LGBTQ+ community tragically experience various degrees of familial abuse and rejection, which may increase homelessness1, suicidality, and substance misuse2.

Fortunately, access to outside support systems and trusted adults contribute to better behavioral health for young people, especially those who have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)3. But this bill could contribute to school environments where students are unable to seek help when they need it and may feel unsafe, isolated, and more stressed.

Take Action

Contact the Committee - OPPOSE House Bill 148

Email or call members of the House Judiciary Committee to urge them to OPPOSE House Bill 148, Removing Anti-Discrimination Protections. Click the button below to see a list of Committee members and their contact information.

Virtually Sign In OPPOSED to the HB 148 Hearing by February 19

Virtually sign in to the public hearing to show your opposition to HB 148, Removing Anti-Discrimination Protections:

  1. Go to the House Sign-In Form on the State House website.
  2. Fill in your personal information.
  3. Select February 19 on the calendar.
  4. Select the committee: House Judiciary
  5. Choose the bill: 3:15 pm - HB 148
  6. Select I am: A Member of the Public unless one of the other labels applies to you. 
  7. Fill in I'm Representing: Myself unless you are approved to represent another organization (e.g. your employer).
  8. Click the radio button for I Oppose this Bill.
  9. Optional: Upload or type a respectful, personalized message about why you oppose the bill. (This will be made public online immediately.)
  10. Click Submit

Attend or Testify at a Public Hearing

Show your support by attending or testifying at the public hearing for House Bill 148 at 3:15 PM on Wednesday, February 19th in rooms 206-208 of the Legislative Office Building at 33 N State St in Concord.

New Futures can help you prepare remarks, find the committee room, and offer moral support at the hearing. Just let us know you're interested by filling out the form below!

Share Your Story

Learn More: Fact Sheet (Coming Soon!)

Coming soon: Download and share our one-pager!

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