Affordable Health Care for Older Adults

TAKE ACTIONAffordable Health Care for Older Adults


More than 330,000 older adults in New Hampshire rely on Medicare as their health insurance provider. However, many are struggling to afford the out-of-pocket costs not covered by Medicare, including premiums, co-payments, and deductibles. New Hampshire’s Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) are Medicaid programs that pay for uncovered Medicare costs, but far too many low-income older adults still don’t qualify for assistance. In the 2025 legislative session, New Futures and New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging are working with lawmakers to help individuals who are above existing financial eligibility limits for MSPs, but who still can’t afford to pay Medicare's out-of-pocket expenses.

By expanding eligibility for Medicare Savings Programs, New Hampshire can ensure that more older adults have access to affordable health care.

About the Legislation

2025 legislation aims to help older adults get the health care they need to stay healthy and financially secure. It proposes to expand eligibility for New Hampshire's Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) by increasing the income limit and removing the resource limit, allowing more low-income older adults to qualify.

Under current MSP limits, a single individual with a fixed monthly income of $1,700 and a savings of $9,500 does not qualify for MSPs, leaving them to cover their Medicare premium, co-payments, and deductibles. MSPs offer real financial help by paying the Medicare Part B premium, which is currently $185/month, and sometimes annual deductibles and the 20% co-insurance. This monthly savings would be a lifeline for households struggling to pay for housing, heat, or food. 

Expanded eligibility helps in several ways:

  • Reduces financial burdens: Older adults and people with disabilities are often on fixed incomes, which means that high health care costs can lead to challenges like having to choose between paying for health care and other essential needs like food and housing. By expanding MSPs, New Hampshire can reduce this financial burden.
  • Increases affordability of health care: Without additional financial support, many lower-income older adults on Medicare may delay or skip necessary medical care and treatments. Expanding eligibility for MSPs will give more people the ability to afford the care they need without sacrificing their health or well-being.
  • Improves the health of our state: Investing in the health of older adults and people with disabilities benefits everyone. Expanding MSPs means fewer emergency room visits, better management of chronic conditions, and improved overall well-being. 

Expanded eligibility for MSPs will improve health outcomes, reduce financial burdens, and strengthen the health of New Hampshire communities.

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Status of Legislation

As the 2025 legislative session nears, this legislation is currently being drafted. The bill text will likely be released in late December or early January. Stay tuned for more information and how to get involved!

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