Ensure Access to RSV Immunization for NH Children

TAKE ACTIONEnsure Access to RSV Immunization for NH Children


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild symptoms but can be more severe for infants and young children. An estimated 58,000-80,000 children under 5 years old are hospitalized each year in the U.S. due to RSV infection. One preventive option to protect babies from severe RSV is an RSV immunization given to infants and young children. An RSV immunization is different from a typical vaccine because it contains monoclonal antibodies, but it provides protection similar to that of a vaccine.

SB 559 will help ensure that the RSV immunization will be available and accessible for all New Hampshire children in the future.

About the Bill

SB 559 expands the definition of a vaccine under the New Hampshire Vaccine Association law to help ensure that the new RSV immunization for infants will be covered under the Association. The NH Vaccine Association facilitates the universal purchase of vaccines for the children of New Hampshire, making them available to every child regardless of their ability to pay. This bill does not add the RSV immunization to the vaccination schedule, meaning that it remains optional for Granite State families.

Take Action

SB 559 has a public hearing on Thursday, April 25 at 2:00 pm at the Legislative Office Building in Room 203. 

Email the Committee

Spread the Word




Spread the word about the importance of NH children having access to the new RSV immunization.

Bill Status

The Senate voted to pass SB 559 as amended on March 21. The bill has crossed over to the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee, and a public hearing was held on Thursday, April 25. Next, the committee is scheduled to hold an executive session to vote on a recommendation for the bill on Wednesday, May 1. There's still time to email the committee to encourage them to support the bill!

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