Responsible Cannabis Policy

TAKE ACTIONResponsible Cannabis Policy


If New Hampshire moves in the direction of legalizing recreational cannabis through a commercial model, it is imperative to get the policy right from the start.

Optimal cannabis commercialization policy for our state must utilize the best available scientific evidence to reduce public harm, limit youth and problematic use, and purposefully advance social justice and equity in the state. 

About the Bill

HB 186 would legalize cannabis for purchase and adult use in New Hampshire. The bill meets many of New Futures' Principles for Responsible Cannabis Commercialization but falls short in promoting social justice initiatives. It also does not go far enough to limit the potency of products. 

Principles for Responsible Cannabis Policy

A document listing the Principles, which include: #1 - Protect Children and Youth, #2 Promote Social Justice and Opportunities for Equity, #3 - Protect Public and Population Health, and #4 Ensure Appropriate Funding from Cannabis Revenue is Directed to Efforts to Reduce Harms

Bill Status

The House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee held a public hearing on HB 186 on January 30. The Committee retained this bill in committee, meaning they can work on it over the summer and bring it back next session. 

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