Family Resource Centers and Home Visiting

TAKE ACTIONFamily Resource Centers and Home Visiting


Safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for young children are critical to healthy development and future well-being. Family resource centers (FRCs) are a specific network of community-based nonprofit organizations that provide an array of family-strengthening programs like home visiting, parent education, Kinship Navigation, youth programs, playgroups, early supports and services, development screening, child care, and more. The interventions, resources, and community found at FRCs are a critical part of supporting healthy maternal, child, and family outcomes. 

It is critical that New Hampshire continue to support FRCs and home visiting services in the state budget. 

About the Bill

Family Resource Centers and home visiting programs are funded by a mix of state and federal funding. Every other year, New Hampshire lawmakers must assess state revenues and expenses to build a state budget in HB 1 and HB 2, the state budget bills. This means the state must appropriately allocate funding to Family Resource Centers and home visiting programs. Despite their success, lawmakers have historically tried to slash funding for these critical programs. 

To ensure New Hampshire remains committed to supporting families, policymakers must protect funding for family resource centers and home visiting services. 

Take Action

The Governor will release a draft of the state budget in early February. After that, House Finance Committees will begin their work on the budget. 

Email the House Finance Committee

Email or call members of the House Finance Committee to urge them to prioritize Family Resource Centers and home visiting in the state budget. Committee members and their contact information can be found on the GenCourt website's House Finance Committee page. 

Share your Experience with FRCs or Home Visiting

Have you had a positive experience at a Family Resource Center or with home visiting?

Please let us know in the "Share Your Story" box below. 

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