Momnibus 2.0

TAKE ACTIONMomnibus 2.0


New Hampshire moms continue to face large gaps in maternal health and wellness. Our state has one of the highest rates of depression and anxiety for new moms in the country, and behavioral health, including substance overdoses, is the leading cause of maternal mortality in New Hampshire. In the past two decades, 11 maternity departments in the state have closed, and Granite Staters continue to face threats to our already fragile maternal health ecosystem. 

It is time for us to once again stand up to support our moms. 

About the Bill

A bipartisan group of lawmakers from both the NH House and Senate have introduced Momnibus 2.0 (SB 246), a bill to support moms in the Granite State by:

Improving Maternal Mental Health

The bill would improve maternal mental health screening, reduce barriers to mental health care, and ensure providers are equipped with the support they need to address maternal depression.

Supporting Moms Across New Hampshire 

The bill supports independent birth centers and trains EMS providers in rural communities on labor and delivery emergencies. 

Strengthening Workforce Protections 

The bill will ensure job security for Granite Staters using employer-sponsored family leave and provide leave for parents attending postpartum and pediatric appointments. 

Expanding Family Supports 

The bill will support families by expanding access to home visits and launching a study on perinatal peer support.

Momnibus 2.0 improves maternal mental health, strengthens workforce protections, expands family supports, and supports moms across New Hampshire. We need you to show your support for Momnibus 2.0 by spreading the word and taking action.

Take Action

Urge Your State Senator to include Momnibus in the Budget

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Spread the Word

Download and share our one-pager about Momnibus 2.0


Bill Status

The Senate voted to pass SB 246! The bill was tabled for possible inclusion in the state budget. 

Bill Progression: 
February 19: Senate Health and Human Services Committee Public Hearing 
February 19: Senate HHS Committee Votes "Ought to Pass" (5-0) 
March 6: NH Senate Passes SB 246 (24-0), Refers bill to Senate Finance Committee 
March 18:
Senate Finance Committee Votes "Ought to Pass" (7-0)
March 27: NH Senate Passes SB 246 (24-0), Tables bill for possible inclusion in the state budget 

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