
Hollyann Martin Cramer: Child care crisis continues post-COVID

THERE’S NO question that New Hampshire’s child care crisis has been discussed in the news, at the state house, in workplaces, and at kitchen tables in recent months. I have a unique perspective in this space as my life intersects the child care crisis in three distinct ways.

The first, and most important, is that I am a mother of three. We were blessed with solid child care pre-COVID and the center managed to hang on through many of the challenges of the past three years (though not without struggle). There have been multiple shutdowns since March of 2020 due to COVID and, more recently, staff shortages. These have been disruptive to both my job and my husband’s job. Recently our center closed down again due to staffing and the overall financial struggle typical of today’s child care centers, and it will not be able to reopen.

Read the full article on The Union Leader

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