
State ranked second for overall child well-being, but depression and anxiety on the rise


New Hampshire is the second best state for overall child well-being in the country, a four-year national survey released this week has found.

The survey, known as the 2022 Kids Count Databook and conducted by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, offers other positive indicators for the state: Kids in New Hampshire are ranked fourth highest in terms of economic well-being, fourth highest for education, and second highest for health.

But the comparatively high rankings don’t mean that the mental health of Granite State children is in great shape. In fact, between 2016 and 2020, the last year in which children were surveyed, the percentage of children ages 3 to 17 who reported having anxiety or depression rose in New Hampshire from 14.4 percent to 18.4 percent, a 27.8 percent increase, the report says.

Read the full article on New Hampshire Bulletin

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