
The Annie E. Casey Foundation Names New Futures New Hampshire's Kids Count Grantee

Press Release

March 6, 2017


Meghan Farrell, Communications Coordinator
603-225-9540 Ext. 129

The Annie E. Casey Foundation Names New Futures New Hampshire’s Kids Count Grantee

CONCORD, NH – New Futures, a state-wide health policy and advocacy organization, will continue to advance their mission of improving the health and wellness of all Granite Staters through their newest initiative: New Futures KIDS COUNT.

New Futures KIDS COUNT is funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation as part of a national data-based advocacy project, known as KIDS COUNT. State-level KIDS COUNT organizations provide state legislators, public officials and child advocates with reliable state-based data, policy recommendations and tools needed to advance policies for the benefit of children and families.

“New Futures is a tremendous addition to the KIDS COUNT network,” said Dennis Campa, Associate Director for State Policy Advocacy and Reform at the Casey Foundation. “It’s an organization with a long history of advocacy in New Hampshire, great capacity for policy analysis, credibility in the public sphere, local funding and an impressive group of grassroots partners – which puts it in ideal position to advance issues important to the state’s children and families.”

New Futures’ selection as the New Hampshire KIDS COUNT grantee complements the organization’s expanded mission, furthering efforts to build statewide advocacy capacity in the fields of healthcare and early childhood.

“New Futures is proud to partner with the Annie E. Casey Foundation and undertake critical data projects to ensure New Hampshire-based data are collected and put to use for Granite State children and families,” said Linda Saunders Paquette, President and CEO of New Futures. “While New Hampshire is grappling with a gripping opioid epidemic, putting in place strong and proven policies for our children and families will be important to turn the tide on addiction and focus on the future health and prosperity of our state.”

For more information on the New Futures KIDS COUNT initiative, please visit

About New Futures: New Futures is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that advocates, educates and collaborates to improve the health and wellness of all New Hampshire residents. For more information, visit

About The Annie E. Casey Foundation: The Annie E. Casey Foundation is devoted to developing a brighter future for millions of children at risk of poor educational, economic, social and health outcomes. For more information, visit

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