
New Futures Announces Policy Lunch & Learn Series

New Futures Announces Policy Lunch & Learn Series
New Futures

New Futures is excited to announce a weekly Lunch and Learn series to inform you about critical legislative developments across key health and well-being policy areas. Each week, our expert policy team will provide a legislative update, answer questions, and connect you to opportunities to get involved.

Register for one, two, or all five by clicking the links below:

January 3 | Early Childhood

January 10 | Substance Use Prevention, Treatment & Recovery

January 17 | Children's Behavioral Health

January 24 | Healthy Aging

January 31 | Public Health & Access to Health Care

New Futures is committed to improving the health and well-being of all Granite Staters through public policy change and civic empowerment. Each session will be recorded and sent out to registrants.

Your contribution to New Futures will leave a lasting impact in the Granite State!


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