

Training Offerings


New Futures provides trainings for individuals and organizations who want to advocate for the health and wellbeing of New Hampshire residents. 

Information to know:

  • Participants must be interested in advocating for policies that improve the health and wellbeing of NH residents.
  • Trainings can be in-person or virtual. The New Futures Training Room can accommodate up to 25 people. We also travel statewide to bring the training to you.
  • Trainings are provided at no cost to nonprofits and individuals. Donations to offset training costs are accepted but entirely optional.

Training Menu

Learn more about the training we offer:

Advocacy 101

Advocacy is needed to help shape policies directly impacting our lives. This training teaches participants how to engage in state-level legislative advocacy efforts. It provides an overview of the NH state legislature and how a bill becomes a law, and discusses when and how to get involved by participating in public hearings, reaching out to legislators, using media, and other advocacy strategies. Participants leave feeling more empowered to take action and influence state policy-making decisions.

This training can be customized. During your consult, we develop a training plan that fits your group’s needs. (1-3 hour training)

  • +30 minutes Lunch
  • +1 hour NF-guided tour of the NH State House
  • +30 minutes Guest Speaker(s) (NF Policy Specialist, legislator, experienced advocate, other)
  • +varies Presentation on one or more of New Futures policy areas
The Power of Stories

Stories are powerful tools for change. Whether it's your own story, the story of someone you know, or stories you see in your professional role, stories are essential in influencing policy change. This training gives participants time to practice writing their own advocacy message using a story before reviewing different ways they can take action and advocate with that message. (1 hour training)

Legislative Events

Legislative events, such as breakfasts or open houses, are a great way to educate legislators on a specific issue or showcase an organization's work. This training provides practical advice for planning and hosting one of these events.. (30 min training)

NH Budget Process

A new state budget is passed every two years. This training reviews how the budget is developed, processed in the legislature, and implemented and how you can advocate for funding.  (1 hour training)

Lobbying v. Advocacy

Non-profits must make considerations when advocating to comply with state and federal guidelines and their own funders. This training reviews how to navigate these considerations without sacrificing your advocate voice.  (1.5 hour training) 

Policy Presentation

New Futures policy specialists provide presentations related to their specific policy area. These are generally customized requests or add-ons to another training. 
Policy areas include: Early Childhood, Children's Behavioral Health, Health Care Access, Healthy Aging, Substance Use Disorder, Public Health, and Alcohol and Other Drugs

Specialty Training

Technical assistance with advocacy efforts:

Social Media Consultation

Custom recommendations to increase the effectiveness of your organization’s social media, based on a review of your current social media presence by our Communications Team.

Legislative Event Assistance

Help for those who want to plan and host a legislative event. Includes an initial consultation, with optional additional support throughout planning and during the event.

Organizational Advocacy Consult

Discussion with an organization looking to increase their advocacy capacity. Includes an initial consultation, with potential additional follow-up meetings or trainings depending on identified needs.

Custom Training

Know what you want, or have some ideas? We will develop a training plan that fits your group’s needs.


Your contribution to New Futures will leave a lasting impact in the Granite State!


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