 Invest in NH's Health Care Workforce

TAKE ACTION Invest in NH's Health Care Workforce


Across New Hampshire, severe workforce shortages are impacting Granite Staters’ access to health care. Patients are facing lengthy wait times and traveling long distances to get the care they need when they need it. With many job vacancies across the state, there remains a strong need to invest in programs that foster a future health care workforce within the Granite State.

SB 403 addresses the health care workforce crisis in New Hampshire that impacts access to quality and timely health care for Granite Staters.

About the Bill

SB 403 aims to increase access to care by growing the state’s health care workforce. This includes creating voluntary certification for Community Health Workers (CHWs), which would provide a clear career path and greater financial stability for these frontline health workers.

CHWs play a crucial role within health care and social service teams, bridging the gap between patients, their providers, and the community services they need to be healthy and thriving. Supporting this invaluable workforce will help Granite Staters access much-needed health care.

SB 403 is supported by more than 80 organizations across the state. In 2018, New Futures joined the New Hampshire Health Care Workforce Coalition to work together to address systemic health care workforce shortages that cause delays in accessing care. In 2024, New Futures is continuing to work with the Coalition on SB 403 to address the health care workforce crisis.

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Bill Status

The Senate passed SB 403 in late March and the House of Representatives passed the bill with amendment on May 23. Since the bill was amended by the House, it was sent back to the Senate for review. The Senate voted to concur with the House amendment to SB 403, meaning that it will now advance to the Governor's desk!

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