Defeat Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

TAKE ACTIONDefeat Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation


When LGBTQ+ young people feel support from their family or community, they have much better mental health outcomes. In fact, LGBTQ+ young people who had access to affirming homes, schools, community events, and online spaces reported lower rates of attempting suicide compared to those who did not.  

However, nearly 1 in 3 LGBTQ young people said their mental health was poor most of the time or always due to anti-LGBTQ policies and legislation.

Despite this, a series of 2024 bills in New Hampshire targets LGBTQ+ youth and families. Learn more and take action below. 

The Areas Under Attack


Take Action

There are FOUR REMAINING anti-LGBTQ+ bills this session and they are all heading to Governor Sununu's desk after passing both the NH Senate and the NH House of Representatives. 

Email or call the Governor to urge him to veto these harmful bills and keep New Hampshire inclusive and welcoming for all.

Email the Governor to Veto Discriminatory Bills

Call the Governor: Script

A phone call is the most effective way to contact your lawmakers. It is helpful to be prepared beforehand. Here is a sample script to use when calling the Governor to urge him to oppose anti-LGBTQ+ legislation: 

"Hello Governor Sununu. My name is _____________________, and I live in the town of ______________. 

I am calling to ask you to veto legislation that discriminates against LGBTQ+ people, including the bills heading to your desk soon: HB 1205, HB 1312, HB 396, and HB 619. 

This legislation makes New Hampshire less inclusive, and [share a brief reason why you personally oppose these bills]. 

Thank you for your time and consideration on this issue."

Governor Sununu has a staff person who answers the phone. You will relay your message to the staff person or to the Governor's voicemail (if calling after normal business hours). 

Ready to make your call? 

Call Governor Sununu at 603-271-2121

Are you impacted by the attack on LGBTQ+ rights and access to health care in New Hampshire? Please share your experience with us.

Share Your Story

Learn more and spread the word about the bills introduced this legislative session that target LGBTQ+ Granite Staters.

View the One-pager

Bills Not Advancing

The following bills have been defeated this legislative session and are not advancing. However, certain language and terms from some of these bills have been incorporated into other bills that are currently progressing.

HB 1660

HB 1660 would have banned Medicaid insurance plans from covering gender-affirming surgeries for trans teens. Although it passed the House of Representatives, the Senate voted to table the bill on May 22, meaning that it will not move forward this session.

SB 375

SB 375 proposed to ban transgender girls from playing school sports or using female locker rooms. It was amended to extend the ban to include collegiate athletics, making the determination based on biological sex at birth, discriminate against trans people by prohibiting them from using the locker room aligned with their gender identity, and allow legal recourse for those harmed by people who violate the law. On May 2, the House of Representatives voted to refer the bill to Interim Study. However, another similar sports ban bill, HB 1205, is still advancing.

SB 562

SB 562 is a bill that would have allowed for discrimination against transgender people by banning them from using restrooms or locker rooms and participating in sports that align with their preferred gender identity. The Senate voted to table the bill, meaning that it will likely not advance this session. However, HB 396 is a similar bill that is currently advancing. 

SB 524

SB 524 proposed to ban transgender student-athletes from playing on school sports teams that align with their gender identity at both the interscholastic and intercollegiate level. The Senate referred SB 524 to Interim Study, meaning it will not move forward this session. However, another similar sports ban bill, HB 1205, is advancing.

HB 1356

HB 1356, the bill that would ban public school employees from using students’ preferred names and pronouns without written permission from the students’ parents or guardians, was defeated in the House. In the House vote, the committee recommendation of Inexpedient to Legislate was upheld, meaning that the bill will not advance this session.

HB 1419

HB 1419, the bill that would limit a school’s ability to have materials regarding gender identity or sexual orientation, was defeated in the House. The House voted to Indefinitely Postpone the bill, meaning that it will not move forward this session.

HB 1011

HB 1011, the bill that criminalizes medically necessary care for transgender youth, was defeated in the House. The House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted on a recommendation of Inexpedient to Legislate on this bill. In the full House vote, the committee recommendation was upheld, meaning that the bill will not move forward this session.

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